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Myclimate is a non-profit climate protection organisation based in Switzerland. They are one of the world's leading providers of voluntary carbon offsetting measures and support amazing work both locally and globally. 


Let's be honest: Nobody wants sea levels to rise, ice caps to melt and coral reefs to die! So that's why we've decided to support myclimate. The aim of this trip is of course to have fun, but we also want to raise awareness for this organisation and show that you don't always have to fly or take a car to get from A to B. In our opinion the journey is half the fun of a trip so why not take a little longer and enjoy it?


Our ultimate goal is to raise enough money to offset our own inevitable CO2 Emissions (flights and busses -> 2 Tons) plus the carbon output that would arise from flying around the world twice (16 Tons)! This means we need to offset at least 18 Tons of CO2. But the more donations the merrier and we therefore hope to exceed this goal by far. We don't expect you guys to just donate without any incentive, so we've given you the power to offer us challenges during our trip in exchange for donations! To read more information about giving us challenges, and to check out the challenges people have already given us, check out our challenges page. 

Important: To make your donation go to (or click link above to the right), then click "donation". 1: Enter the amount you want to donate (Euro or CHF) and click "contribute". 2: Leave or remove "Donation for climate education" and select "Send as gift certificate", then click "checkout". 3: Make sure you write One Epic Adventure into the recipient box and the challenge and your name into the description box (only that way we can keep track of how much has been donated in our name!). 4: Fill in your details below and click "continue to payment". 5: Secure payment online by credit card, with PayPal or by invoice. 6: Download the issued pdf certificate and email it to THX heaps :)


Wichtig: Um eure Spende einzuzahlen geht auf (oder klickt den Link oben rechts), dann klickt auf "Spende". 1: Wählt euren Spendenbetrag aus (Euro oder CHF) und klickt auf "Spenden". 2: Auf Wunsch könnt ihr die Spende für die Klimabildung entfernen, danach wählt "Als Geschenkzertifikat verschicken" aus und klickt "Zur Kasse". 3: Schreibt One Epic Adventure in die Empfängeradresse und die Herausforderung und euren Namen in die Beschreibung (nur so können wir nachvollziehen wieviele Spenden in unserem Namen einbezahlt wurden!). 4: Gebt eure Rechnungsdaten unten ein und klickt auf "Weiter zur Zahlung". 5: Sichere Zahlung ist möglich entweder online mit der Kreditkarte, mit PayPal oder per Rechnung. 6: Bitte ladet das Zertifikat als pdf herunter und schickt es per E-mail an Vielen Dank!


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